Rita Stradling

Going insane would be worse than dying. At least death is clear and final

Rita Stradling

I’m just saying that you live every day like you’re challenging death to come find you, and other people live their days seeing death waiting for them everywhere.” He lifted his glasses, rubbing the bridge of his nose while he talked. “It’s taking her a lot more than it would take you or me to sit in that car.

Rita Stradling

It’s almost as if all the sleazy men in this country attended the same seminar, where they learned that all American women go to Italy to sleep with them. The teacher at the seminar told them, “You don’t need to learn English to seduce an American woman, you only need to learn one word: ‘Bella.’ If you say it, their belts will snap and pants fall from their hips. If I ever find that seminar teacher, I’m going to kick him in the shin.

Rita Stradling

Love didn't seem like something that could be organized or contained; it should be messy and emotional, like exploding and imploding with someone at the exact same time.

Rita Stradling

People always have such a hard time believing that robots could do bad things.

Rita Stradling

Rose pivoted. “Alien, can I ask you something about ethics?” Alien nodded, slowly. “Sure.” Rose’s inhuman eyes met hers, and she asked, “Would you die to save a million people?

Rita Stradling

Some people are worth the world

Rita Stradling

Sometimes, the best deed you can do for another person is to not save them from their troubles.

Rita Stradling

When you’ve crawled through the darkness, the light is so much more glorious.

Rita Stradling

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