Brenda Johnson Padgitt
A sense of accomplishment comes when you have completed the tasks for the goals you have set for yourself.
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
A Truthful Evaluation Of Yourself Gives Feedback For Growth and Success
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Information is Key to Opportunities, So Pick Up a Book!
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
It's Up to You To Get Your Dreams and Goals Moving
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Selfishness Stops The Flow Of Blessings To You and Others
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Some people want what they are not willing to give.
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
You are successful when you accomplish the goals and dreams you set for yourself.
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Your goals and dreams will never happen if you don't Sow Labor Into Time
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Your Purpose Should Dictate How You Spend Your Time
— Brenda Johnson Padgitt
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