A.J. Beirens

Abortion is not allowed because apparently it is against the law of god. Yes, that butter-wouldn't-melt deity who ordered babies to be slaughtered, killed all the firstborn in Egypt And caused an entire human race to drown. From: "Levels van been imaginary god"(Scourges of an imaginary god)

A.J. Beirens

Did god make man too perfect, So that a piece has to be removed through circumcision?

A.J. Beirens

Don't be sad that it's over. Be glad that you ever lived to see it.

A.J. Beirens

From bigots who hawk their god door-to-door, preserve us.

A.J. Beirens

From history books you should at best believe just the punctuation. The rest is uncertain, incomplete, distorted, exaggerated or even fabricated.

A.J. Beirens

If the authorities under various false pretenses, continue curtailing the rights of citizens, so that they merely become serfs to a handful of multinational companies, a global rebellion of ordinary people against super capitalism is certainly not inconceivable.

A.J. Beirens

Is it too bold to point out that there is nothing in the ten commandments about protecting children against cruelty? Nothing against rape and nothing against slavery, and nothing against genocide. Could this be because these crimes are positively recommended in the rest of the bible?

A.J. Beirens

It's time to demand that the faithful keep their personal choices, preferences and beliefs in irrational and sometimes dangerous things strictly private. Everyone is absolutely free to believe what they want, provided they do not harass others (or force, or kill them) . But nobody has the right to insist on privileges simply because they are supporters of one or other of the world's many religions." From: "Levels van been imaginary god"('Scourges of an imaginary god')

A.J. Beirens

Nothing remains the same. The only thing that never changes is the fact that everything changes.

A.J. Beirens

Only those who are brainwashed and fools believe in the existence of a god. Those who are indifferent just pretend.

A.J. Beirens

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