Libbie Hawker
Because it is my destiny, Abbas! Because I've always known the gods made me for something more -- more than just a wife, just a mother, just a woman. They made me for power!
— Libbie Hawker
Her voice is still pitched high, thanks to her youth, but it has a certain incipient darkness to it, a low richness that will mature in the coming years to the smoky tones of a priestess or a queen -- a woman of great natural power.
— Libbie Hawker
In the dull, persistent beat of her heart, she hears the rhythm of hope. It is faint and thin as a thread, but it is there.
— Libbie Hawker
Men always laugh whenever a woman says she has political skill. But it's not such a difficult thing to master.
— Libbie Hawker
Naphtha is so concerned with my virginity. I am beginning to think she would wed me herself. Alas, the only tool she might use to make me a woman is her tongue -- and it is far too sharp for me to allow it beneath my skirts.
— Libbie Hawker
She threw herself across her bed, weeping into a pillow. She knew just what she wanted -- the desire was a fierce ache inside her. But fiercer still was the knowledge that it was beyond the reach of a female.
— Libbie Hawker
She will not bow her head to any woman or man, so why, indeed, should she bow to a needle?
— Libbie Hawker
Still, if I don't believe in the possibility, I might go mad from fear.
— Libbie Hawker
There is nothing humble about this woman.
— Libbie Hawker
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