Kaleb Kilton
Can't make a life and death decision when you are fighting off what I call choice-vertigo
— Kaleb Kilton
Can't unscramble the egg no matter your wisdom and determination
— Kaleb Kilton
Human beings can handle many terrible circumstances in life. And that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.--Here Tomorrow
— Kaleb Kilton
I came to a most profound realization. For the first time in my life, I have complete control over what happens in the here and now. It is not a wish. It is not some concoction of false hope. Furthermore, it is reality in here and now.''HOPE-Season of Romance
— Kaleb Kilton
It's the darkness of life. The light is here one day and gone the next. Only the fortunate get to take the light for granted. Only the sun is here today and tomorrow. Life and everything else is perishable. Sadness is nothing but a realization of that impermanence. The expression of our fragility and mortality.-- Here Tomorrow
— Kaleb Kilton
Limitlessness is the emotion that sunny mornings evoke in me now. A new appreciation for the present moment, untainted by the past or unknown future.
— Kaleb Kilton
My Voice Dreamt a dream of dreams, lucidOne word birthed another, othersStill deeper beyond time, infinite space One bled into another, one danced Twisted tight, for dear life, embraced winds Darkness, out of sight burned, wept my mind Into a new frontier, frameless portraits In defiance, out of the ash, rose my voice Kaleb Milton © 2016
— Kaleb Kilton
No matter how far you have come... No matter how you survived your checkered past... Sometimes, you simply have to make a choice.
— Kaleb Kilton
Nothing like the gift of living in the present.
— Kaleb Kilton
Patience is a virtue as they say and listening is an exercise in patience.
— Kaleb Kilton
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