
Be a survivor of the past, not a reviver of it. Your attention to that painful past either by resisting it or by consistently focusing upon it will continue to persist it. The present will continue to be powered by, and become a product of that painful past, Until you begin to acknowledge, allow and accept the past, it will continue to become your future. (Instagram: #aMessageOfLove)


Expect success of yourself, no matter what you desire, intend to do it, to be it. Hoping and wishing for success isn't going to cut it. That energy isn't going to create success. Your FAITH is creative, you've got to know and intend for it to happen. Feeling that at a vibrational level it ALREADY has.( Instagram: #aMessageOfLove)


Have a specific vision / goal / dream, and power it with general and genuine feelings of love, appreciation, peace, abundance and passion...and always leave room for the universe to bring you even better. If you don't get what you desire it only ever means that you're destined for even greater. (Instagram: #aMessageOfLove)


No matter how things appear have faith that they are always working out for you. Relax knowing that the universe is taking care of it. Your faith in a solution allows your vibration to rise, allowing your awareness to have access to ideas, help and solutions that reside at that higher frequency. Instagram: #aMessageOfLove


No matter what you desire to be or see, contemplate / meditate upon the idea of there being an unlimited abundance of it. Your belief is scarcity and limitation regarding your desire is keeping it from you. How you define something is how it must appear. Faith in abundance draws things to you, your faith in lack / limitation takes away what you already have. (Instagram: #aMessageOfLove)


There is no glory in making yourself small, build yourself up. Believe in your abilities and worth, show the world who you are, love yourself fully, take action on your dreams, no more hiding away and being apologetic. What you believe you are you will become. Know you're destined for success. (Instagram: #aMessageOfLove)


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