Alvin Toffler
Change is not merely necessary to life - it is life.
— Alvin Toffler
Future shock is the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time.
— Alvin Toffler
Knowledge is the most democratic source of power.
— Alvin Toffler
Man has a limited biological capacity for change. When this capacity is overwhelmed, the capacity is in future shock.
— Alvin Toffler
Nobody knows the future with certainty. We can, however, identify ongoing patterns of change.
— Alvin Toffler
One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition.
— Alvin Toffler
Our technological powers increase, but the side effects and potential hazards also escalate.
— Alvin Toffler
Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur.
— Alvin Toffler
Science fiction is held in low regard as a branch of literature, and perhaps it deserves this critical contempt. But if we view it as a kind of sociology of the future, rather than as literature, science fiction has immense value as a mind-stretching force for the creation of the habit of anticipation. Our children should be studying Arthur C. Clarke, William Tenn, Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury and Robert Shockley, not because these writers can tell them about rocket ships and time machines but, more important, because they can lead young minds through an imaginative exploration of the jungle of political, social, psychological, and ethical issues that will confront these children as adults.
— Alvin Toffler
Technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more technology possible.
— Alvin Toffler
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