Todd Crawshaw

As a general rule, I surmise that most fictional stories are populated by misfits, changelings, and oddities, which is what makes the writing interesting and considered novel.

Todd Crawshaw

Consume life before it spoils.

Todd Crawshaw

Each moment is now. Reality amounts to flickering lapses in time, as infinite layers of now. And with this constant motion we think of ourselves as being at rest. When in actuality we are zooming through space.

Todd Crawshaw

Fast can be good. Except when moving so fast and getting so far ahead of ourselves we no longer can recognize our mode of transportation or the wall we’ve hit prior to creating it.

Todd Crawshaw

I live by four simple words. Love. Being. Here. Now.

Todd Crawshaw

One day we wake from sleep to wander through this tale of dreams with wings fluttering lighter than love free.

Todd Crawshaw

Terrified, yes. But I run toward the fire now. Not away.

Todd Crawshaw

The river asked me who I was to be gazing so longingly into her curving body of cascading dreams and shifting beauty.

Todd Crawshaw

Was intelligence an inevitability, a consequence of evolution? Bacteria succeeded without a brain, possessing survival skills that rivaled their biological hosts. So why should a creature of higher intelligence expect to do better? Humans were on the verge of being replaced by their hybrid creations. How intelligent was that?

Todd Crawshaw

You can be anything you want to be as long as you know who you are. Paradoxically, once you realize this, you begin to lose your sense of self.

Todd Crawshaw

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