Andrea T. Goeglein
4 Don’t Die™ Principles:• Change your awareness and your perspective changes.• You teach what you need to learn.• You can make excuses, or you can achieve your goals, but you cannot do both.• Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
All questions need to be explored from our hearts first & then embraced by our heads.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
All the bravery that lines our lives, in the ordinary moments adds up to an extraordinary, successful life.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
Being brave is about the everyday points of bravery that when taken together and viewed from a collective perspective make for an extraordinary life of love.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
Being brave means you create the world you want to live in.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
Don’t Die™ Waiting to Be Brave is about the anachronistic nature of life, love, trust, gratitude, forgiveness and the crooked road of success.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
It has taken my whole life thus far to see how being brave enough to hold on to a question, brave enough to never stop looking for answers, and brave enough to take action even when I didn’t know the right answer, was as brave as I needed to be to succeed and to succeed with love.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
Living the life I wanted was my ultimate responsibility. Learning to forgive was my ultimate act of self-love.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
Living the life you want is your ultimate responsibility
— Andrea T. Goeglein
Most times you only have to be Brave ENOUGH.
— Andrea T. Goeglein
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