Marilyn Vos Savant

Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person.

Marilyn Vos Savant

Be able to go shopping for a bathing suit and not become depressed afterward.

Marilyn Vos Savant

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

Marilyn Vos Savant

I believe that love--not imitation--is the sincerest form of flattery. Your imitator thinks that you can be duplicated your lover knows you can't.

Marilyn Vos Savant

In my opinion, defining intelligence is much like defining beauty, and I don’t mean that it’s in the eye of the beholder. To illustrate, let’s say that you are the only beholder, and your word is final. Would you be able to choose the 1000 most beautiful women in the country? And if that sounds impossible, consider this: Say you’re now looking at your picks. Could you compare them to each other and say which one is more beautiful? For example, who is more beautiful— Katie Holmes or Angelina Jolie? How about Angelina Jolie or Catherine Zeta-Jones? I think intelligence is like this. So many factors are involved that attempts to measure it are useless. Not that IQ tests are useless. Far from it. Good tests work: They measure a variety of mental abilities, and the best tests do it well. But they don’t measure intelligence itself.

Marilyn Vos Savant

Skill is successfully walking a tightrope between the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center. Intelligence is not trying.

Marilyn Vos Savant

To acquire knowledge, one must study;but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.

Marilyn Vos Savant

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