Beth Lewis
A man couldn't do what he did. He's a monster." I laughed. "Ain't no monster. Monsters ain't real 'kept in kids' imaginations, under the beds, in the closets. We live in a world a' men and there ain't no good come out of tellin' them they monsters. Makes 'em think they ain't done nothin' wrong, that it's their nature, and they can't do nothin' to change that. Callin' them a monster makes 'em something different from the rest of us, but they ain't. They just men, flesh and bone and blood.
— Beth Lewis
But I wasn't any quitter No wolf nor bear just gives up when they get beat or hungry. You have ever seen a bear jump off a cliff 'cause life handed him a few rough draws? No, you haven't. The wild keeps going till it don't have strength in its muscles and bones. The wild doesn't give up; it's forever, and so was I.
— Beth Lewis
I have seen women take this kind a' help from a man with a look a' relief on their faces. I wondered if these women knew how much easier their lives would be if they did all this stuff for themselves.
— Beth Lewis
One a' them rules is don't go trusting another man's path... People do it, they do what their mommies and daddies did, they make them same mistakes, they have them same joys and hurts, they're just repeating. Trees don't grow exactly where their momma is; ain't no room... I wasn't following no one up through life.
— Beth Lewis
...shiny trinkets and frivolous spending make people forget what world they're living in.
— Beth Lewis
You can't admit to someone else what you're too damn afraid to admit to yourself.
— Beth Lewis
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