Rod Serling

As long as they talk about you, you're not really dead, as long as they speak your name, you continue. A legend doesn't die, just because the man dies.

Rod Serling

Coming up with ideas is the easiest thing on earth. Putting them down is the hardest.

Rod Serling

Every writer is a frustrated actor who recites his lines in the hidden auditorium of his skull.

Rod Serling

Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable-made possible.

Rod Serling

Farewell, Timothy Riley’s Bar," Lane said softly. "Home of the nickel beer. Snooker emporium. Repository of Bluebird records, three for a dime. We honor you and your passing. Farewell. Farewell, Timothy Riley—and seaplanes and rumble seats and saddle shoes and Helen Forrest and the Triple-C camps and Andy Hardy and Sum ‘n’ Abner and the world-champion New York Yankees! Rest in peace, you age of innocence—you beautiful, serene, carefree, pre-Pearl Harbor, long summer night. We’ll never see your likes again.

Rod Serling

For the record, suspicion can kill, and prejudice can destroy. And a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its own, for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.

Rod Serling

He's not a piece of meat you can job off the market by the pound. Because, if you do, maish, if you do, you'll rot in hell.

Rod Serling

I don't think playing it safe constitutes a retreat, necessarily. In other words, I don't think if, by playing safe he means we are not going to delve into controversy, then if that's what he means he's quite right. I'm not going to delve into controversy. Somebody asked me the other day if this means that I'm going to be a meek conformist, and my answer is no. I'm just acting the role of a tired non-conformist.

Rod Serling

If in any quest for magic, in any search for sorcery, witchery, legerdemain, first check the human spirit.

Rod Serling

Imagination... its limits are only those of the mind itself.

Rod Serling

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