Edward Zwick
Adolescence is a time in which you experience everything more intensely.
— Edward Zwick
I do watch 'It's a Wonderful Life' with my children at Christmas, and I liked it long before it went into the public domain and became a cliché.
— Edward Zwick
If you don't know each other you spend time doing research together, having dinner, and talking about your lives. You try to find common ground. Once you're shooting, the pressures are so intense; you really want to have a channel of communication open to you already.
— Edward Zwick
I think it's too easy often to find a villain out of the headlines and to then repeat that villainy again and again and again. You know, traditionally, America has always looked to scapegoat someone as the boogie man... there is a tradition in the most simplistic of action movies for there to be some horrible villain.
— Edward Zwick
Often, romantic comedies exist in a vacuum, and it's kind of odd.
— Edward Zwick
People who have any kind of illness use humor as a type of coping.
— Edward Zwick
Romantic comedy has come to mean a couple of moderately talented actors placed in implausible situations obliged to go through a set of paces that are all too familiar, the end result being neither romantic nor comedic.
— Edward Zwick
There's a great tradition of actors taking on parts of much less obvious sympathy.
— Edward Zwick
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