Belinda Jeffrey
But sometimes I wanted to feel like a child, to know that he would stand in front of me while waves crashed towards us or arrows come at us.
— Belinda Jeffrey
Creativity and ideas fired between every synapse underneath my skin and I felt radiant from the inside out.
— Belinda Jeffrey
Don't you find it strange that your mother would leave you?' Becky said. 'I can't imagine my other leaving me.' I'd never thought of it like that before. 'I don't think she knew what else to do.
— Belinda Jeffrey
Her smile could wash away a thousand doubts as soon as light up a room.
— Belinda Jeffrey
I could feel their grief as if it were a beast holding us down.
— Belinda Jeffrey
If there was some way of knowing which boys were likely to turn out to be decent men, boys that could love us back as passionately as we felt we could love them, then we could banish the likelihood of divorce and unhappiness to a statistically unlikely outcome.
— Belinda Jeffrey
If we were rational creatures we would never get out of bed or live or love.
— Belinda Jeffrey
I kissed my fingers, held my palm flat beside my mouth and blew it into the air that surrounded her memory. I closed my eyes, thinking this was one of those moments you see in movies or read about in books where everything comes together.
— Belinda Jeffrey
I knew I'd never have another moment like this. Just a single place in time where everything had come together to breathe in harmony. Time slowed, and I had gathered all her restless strands in my hands; where I had come from, where I was and where I was going was one long thread as I emerged to make my way into the world.
— Belinda Jeffrey
I sometimes think that animals are incapable of the kinds of cruelty that humans willingly inflict on each other.
— Belinda Jeffrey
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