Mayank Sharma
Death is nothing but absence of physical presence
— Mayank Sharma
I find it hilarious when I see 'not alive' fearing death
— Mayank Sharma
Life invariably provides every individual a cause to discover prudence amidst disquiet.
— Mayank Sharma
Suicide is not just killing yourself, but the world outside
— Mayank Sharma
The certainty about the uncertain (in view to life) is that it will remain uncertain till the time its certain.
— Mayank Sharma
The human spirit and self-esteem are compromised when you lay down your arms to the pressures of society in a rat race.
— Mayank Sharma
You are born, and you will die... but BEING ALIVE is your choice.
— Mayank Sharma
You can find three species at any defined area.... Stray animals, pet animals and SOCIAL animals... I wonder where HUMANS are.!!!
— Mayank Sharma
You might find it fade, but its just another shade....
— Mayank Sharma
Your deeds are nothing but reflection of your thoughts. Once thoughts will turn good... actions on their own will turn better... and the world DIVINE....
— Mayank Sharma
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