17 Ways to Just Be Nice“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ―Aesop1. Be sincere.2. Be altruistic.3. Practice patience.4. Inquire and engage.5. Keep your promises.6. Offer help to others.7. Acknowledge others.8. Control your behavior.9. Be situationally aware.10. Be polite and courteous.11. Use considerate manners.12. Greet people with a smile. 13. Practice random acts of kindness.14. Show respect for yourself and others.15. Be complimentary and look for positives.16. Walk in another’s shoes to understand their needs.17. Share of yourself without expecting anything in return.

Susan C. Young

The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

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