Do an overwhelming number of respected scientists believe that human actions are changing the Earth's climate? Yes. OK, that being the case, let's undermine that by finding and funding those few contrarians who believe otherwise. Promote their message widely, and it will accumulate in the mental environment, just as toxic mercury accumulates in a biological ecosystem. Once enough of the toxin has been dispersed, the balance of public understanding will shift. Fund a low level campaign to suggest any threat to the car is an attack on personal freedoms. Create a "grassroots" group to defend the right to drive. Portray antiwar activists as prudes who long for the days of the horse and buggy. Then sit back, watch the info toxins spread - and get ready to sell bigger, better cars for years to come.

Kalle Lasn

Culture Jam: How To Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Binge - And Why We Must

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