In a proper Islamic University, far 'ain knowledge which represents the permanent intellectual and spiritual needs of the human soul--should form the core curriculum, and should be made obligatory to all students. Far Fatah knowledge--reflecting societal needs and global trends--is not obligatory to all, but must be mastered by and adequate number of Muslims to ensure the proper development of the Community and to safeguard its proper place in world affairs. The far 'ain knowledge shall include knowledge of the traditional Islamic sciences such as the Arabic language, metaphysics, the Qur'an and Hadith, ethics, the Shari'ah sciences, and the history of Islam. Consonant with our position that these far 'ain sciences are not static but dynamic, they should be continuously studied, analyzed, and applied in relation to the far Fatah sciences; i.e. the fields of their specialization.

Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud

Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge and the Role of the University in the Context of De-Westernization and Decolonization

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