I am. I always was. I always am. I shall always be. The past and the future meet in the eternal now. I am the eternal now. I exist. Furthermore, I am. I am in the past. I am in the future. I am in the now. One is all, and all are one. We are one. Everything I see is a part of myself. Everything I can imagine is a part of myself. I could not imagine something that is not. Everyone I interact within a part of myself. Whatever I put out, I get it back. My state of being matters, it crystallizes in my circumstances. The way I respond to my circumstances reinforces my state of being. When I see an echo of an old belief respond with peace in my heart. My actions are matched with the highest version of myself I can imagine at that moment. Everything changes, and everything transforms from one form of life to yet another. It is a constant flow of life. It is the heart of all existence. Nothing can perish, nothing can cease being. I am always new. I am always history free. I am always consequence free. Yet I can create an illusion of consequence. Everything is possible, yet not everything is probable. It all depends on my synchronicity. What I choose to explore shall present itself to me. What I believe to be true, is true. All illusions are made out of different beliefs. Yet there is only one knowledge. It is the wisdom of old, yet new. The thought gains the power, when it merges with the feeling. I feel what I desire. I always receive what I ask for. I always manifest instantly with no effort. My wisdom is to be aware of what I request. So it is. So it is. I ask for love, and I welcome bliss.

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