When the week begins, think of how you will end it. When the week ends, think of how you did begin it. Start your week with joy. Smile at the storms in the week and though they might be so strong, be stronger than ever. Disregard disadvantages regardless of the situation and see 'this - advantage'. Don't be easily irritated by people or the actions of people; you harm your own emotions by doing so. Pardon people for their mistakes and do not give a precious thinking time to the mistakes of others. Life is all about learning lessons; only learn the lessons of life in every situation of life you meet. There is nothing so nobler than working to please your solemn Maker. Think of the distinctive footprint you must live and leave. Know who you are; be who you are. Know what you want; live for what you want. Focus on the mission and don't lose focus of the vision. Enjoy a great week!
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