Be informed, also, that this good and savory Parish is the home of Hectors, Trainers, Biters who all go under the general appellation of Rooks. Here are all the Jilts, Cracks, Prostitutes, Night-walkers, Whores, Linen-lifters, who are like so many Jake's, Privies, Houses of Office, Ordure, Excrement, Easements and piles of Sir-reverence: the whores of Ratcliffe High-way smell of Tarpaulin and stinking Cod from their continually Traffic with seamen's Breeches. There are other such wretched Objects about these ruined Lanes, all of them lamentable Instances of Vengeance. And it is not strange (as some think) how they will haunt the same Districts and will not leave off their Crimes until they are apprehended, for these Streets are their Theatre. Theft, Boredom and Homicide peep out of the very Windows of their Souls; Lying, Perjury, Fraud, Impudence and Misery are stamped upon their very Countenances as now they walk within the Shadow of my Church.

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