$13 to $20 billion a year could be saved in health care costs by medicalizing childbirth, developing midwifery, and encouraging breastfeeding.
— Frank A. Oski
$200, 300 million games, I'm a little scared about that; there aren't a lot of companies that have the resources or the courage to spend that much.
— Warren Spector
€7,500, first-class, everything—and all that for 40 minutes selling them some old stuff.
— Slavoj Žižek
006 was such an interesting character and the film really explored his friendship with Bond and how it all went wrong, so it was a very personal journey for both characters.
— Sean Bean
0 beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed his grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!
— Katharine Lee Bates
0 God assist our side: at least avoid assisting the enemy and leave the rest to me.
— Prince Leopold
0 God! Put back Thy universe and give me yesterday.
— Henry Arthur Jones
0 liberty! How many crimes are committed in thy name!
— Mme. Jeanne Roland
0 little town of Bethlehem How still we see the lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by.
— Phillips Brooks
0 summer friendship whose flattering leaves shadowed us in our prosperity With the least gust drop off in the autumn of adversity.
— Philip Massinger
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