Toni Sorenson

Your body is a complete marvel. The more you study its anatomy and how each part works in harmony, the more you will be convinced that you didn't just evolve. You were designed from the beginning by the hand of a Master.

Toni Sorenson

Your brain processes a thought while your mind creates and cultivates not only your thoughts, but also the knowledge and experiences you gain.

Toni Sorenson

Your brain with all its parts, exists to keep you safe, but your mind, with all your memories and intuition, exists to help you soar.

Toni Sorenson

Your conscious thoughts are those that you are aware of. But there are deeply buried treasures to be discovered in the shadows of your subconscious brain. Your find them by closing your eyes and seeing what you can’t see with your eyes wide open. To open your mind you often have to close your eyes. Shut out the world to enter a different realm.

Toni Sorenson

You’re a biological wonder without precedent.

Toni Sorenson

You’re a child of God. You don’t need to ever struggle with feelings of inferiority or defeat. Furthermore, you might make mistakes and find yourself off the straight and narrow path from time to time. No fears. No despair. Just turn around in the road and head back toward home. I promise you that Christ will be your willing guide.

Toni Sorenson

Your future is brighter than your past was dark.

Toni Sorenson

Your moment is now. Claim it!

Toni Sorenson

You want to be loved? Love yourself first and passionately. Forgive yourself readily. Care for every part of you. Only when you love yourself do you have love to give to others.

Toni Sorenson

You were born into this life equipped to succeed. You are a part of God’s perfect plan. Yes, you. The plan would not be perfect if you were missing. Think about that. You matter more than you know.

Toni Sorenson

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