Craig D. Lounsbrough
A hole is a space where everything has been moved out so that opportunity has space to move in.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
A label locks me into a definition that people use to control me. A vision graces me with an idea that serves to release me.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
A lie is my attempt to tamper with the truth so that I need not face the truth. Yet as shrewd as I think myself to be, I would be wise to understand that God designed truth as ultimately tamper-proof.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
A life that chooses not to grow is a life that died long before it ever lived.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
All along, I was less concerned about walking a path of integrity and more caught up in a compass calibrated by greed. And with a compass such as this, how is it that I’m having a hard time understanding why I am where I am?
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
All too soon the garden of childhood is paved cold with the asphalt roads of adulthood. And while it is not within her power to halt this unrelenting progression, a mother can diligently guard this most precious garden and ensure that the roads become gentle paths that wind through it instead of byways that kill it.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
A lot of the situations that we put ourselves in are similar to a cat in a yard full of dogs. We rarely ask ourselves how we got here, (which doesn’t help with the question of how we get out of here), all of which rarely keeps us from finding ourselves in the next yard asking the same questions.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
Although I am far too frequently convinced otherwise, with God a dead-end is only the death of an end.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
Although I’m seldom aware enough to see it, the greater cost regarding that which I possess was not what I paid for it, but what someone along the way sacrificed so that I might have the opportunity to pay for it.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
Although I rail against it, death is the dark demarcation beyond which I am at the mercy of my own end. To the contrary, an empty tomb says that my end is at the mercy of God’s beginning.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough
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