Derric Yuh Ndim

A client of mine once joked, “If your employer likes you, the rest is history, the raise and everything else will come.” That intangible attitude in the workplace is whatsits apart those who get promoted and those who don’t.

Derric Yuh Ndim

All pain, pleasure and self-limitation either originate in the conscious mind or is accepted uncritically from an outside source.

Derric Yuh Ndim

Always keep in mind the paramount importance of living a balanced life with emphasis on nurturing strong friendships and family ties, while still doing the things that you find rewarding for reasons other than mere monetary income.

Derric Yuh Ndim

Always take massive imperfect action towards your goals because the time might never be “just right”.

Derric Yuh Ndim

As someone said, in the School of Hard Knocks they give the test first, then the lesson. That is a slow, costly and surely painful way to learn. Unfortunately, it’s the only “school” that teaches many things you need to know.

Derric Yuh Ndim

Each child is a new being, a potential prophet, a new spiritual prince, a new spark of light.... Whore we to decide that it is hopeless (impossible)?

Derric Yuh Ndim

Even the greatest fool can accomplish a task if it were after visor her heart. But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every work into one that suits their taste

Derric Yuh Ndim

Every day you make certain decisions and take specific actions that come about as a result of how you think, feel and the habits you tend to indulge

Derric Yuh Ndim

First, it is essential to determine precisely what you want to achieve. Just wanting to be “successful” is too general.

Derric Yuh Ndim

How we feel (emotions) determines what we do (our actions/behavior) which directly determines the results manifested incur life.

Derric Yuh Ndim

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