Julia Cameron
The trick to finding writing time is to make writing time in the life you've already got.
— Julia Cameron
Those who speak in spiritual terms routinely refer to God as creator but seldom see "creator" as the literal term for "artist". I am suggesting you take the term "creator" quite literally. You are seeking to forge a creative alliance, artist-to-artist with the Great Creator. Accepting this concept can greatly expand your creative possibilities.
— Julia Cameron
Timid young artists, adding parental fears to their own, often give up their sunny dreams of artistic careers, settling into the twilight world of could-have-been and regrets.
— Julia Cameron
We go into parenting, and we discover that we don't have the answers. We are at a loss.
— Julia Cameron
We have this idea that we need to be in the mood to write. We don't.
— Julia Cameron
We need to bridge our sense of loneliness and disconnection with a sense of community and continuity even if we must manufacture it from our time on the Web and our use of calling cards to connect long distance. We must “log on” somewhere, and if it is only in cyberspace, that is still far better than nowhere at all. (264)
— Julia Cameron
We should write because it is human nature to write. Writing claims our world. It makes it directly and specifically our own. We should write because humans are spiritual beings and writing is a powerful form of prayer and meditation, connecting us both to our own insights and to a higher and deeper level of inner guidance. We should write because writing brings clarity and passion to the act of living. Writing is sensual, experiential, grounding. We should write because writing is good for the soul. We should write because writing yields us a body of work, a felt path through the world we live in. Furthermore, we should write, above all, because we are writers, whether we call ourselves that or not.
— Julia Cameron
We will experience the life we have the faith to experience.
— Julia Cameron
When it was suggested that I write a memoir I said, 'I'm not old enough. I'm not distinguished enough.' But I went home and sat down to write, and the material for the book just came flooding into my hands.
— Julia Cameron
When we make time to write, we can do it anytime, anywhere.
— Julia Cameron
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