Latika Teotia

Even though we keep talking about counting our blessings, looking at brighter side of things, being positive and so on, do we really practice them when things fall apart at the seams? That is the time we crib and grumble the most. “Why me? Why this? Why that?” and so on are the questions uppermost in our minds. That is the time to remember God’s innumerable mercies and Blessings showered on us in the past. That is the time to practice what you have been saying so many times. Rekindle your faith and Hold on to Him. Remember that there are still things to be thankful for.

Latika Teotia

Forgive and forget what had happened. Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures. Relax !!! You are constantly evolving. Love yourself to bits. Get up !!! Step out !!! And keep this in mind that God’s help is close at hand. Repose trust in Him and all will be well. ~Latina Scotia

Latika Teotia

From all the chaos, confusion, disorder, turmoil and pandemonium around her where things are in total disarray a woman is capable of not only restoring order but also bringing peace as well as harmony. She is brave, competent, accomplished, gifted, capable and blessed. Woman, be proud of yourself.

Latika Teotia

God always answers our prayers; if there is a delay, it is because He has something better in mind for us. Don’t give up- we commit the mistake of giving up too soon thinking that God has forgotten us little realizing that He never forsakes His children. If you feel your prayers have not been answered, then keep praying, increase the intensity of your prayers till He gives you what you want.

Latika Teotia

God has removed some people from your life for a reason, respect that or else you won’t be able to live a life He wants you to. Do not keep going back to the people who have been removed from your life or who have hurt you. Be firm and stand up against the injustice that is being heaped on you. Refuse to be cowed down. Not putting up with the nonsense of others will not be construed as being rude or unkind, you will still continue to be a sweet, loving, kind and gentle person that you really are.

Latika Teotia

God’s mercy knows no bounds; His amazing miracles can heal even the most serious illness and make you come out of any difficult situation without a scratch. He can help you deal with all your relationship issues and remove all financial problems with one stroke. He can bless you with a purposeful life. Pray, trust and walk in faith always and in all the ways.

Latika Teotia

God’s mercy never fails so don’t live another moment in regret. Find the meaning of your life and discover your value by turning towards Him. Start dwelling on His unconditional love and limitless favor to live a joyful life.

Latika Teotia

God’s simple Blessings are nothing short of miracles. That rain drop trapped in a leaf, that glistening dew drop which has just caught the first rays of a newborn sun, that sweet song of the Nightingale, those beautiful wooly clouds with their unique designs (have you ever noticed that clouds never make the same design twice- and we humans struggle to draw something new or write something unique), the pit patter of the rain creating a music of its own. These are but some of His Blessings that make me look up in awe at our Creator. So caught up are we in our daily lives with our monotonous routine that we fail to notice the millions of miracles happening all around us. Pause. Look around. Notice. Feel. Life is not just about rushing through. It’s also about taking a break.

Latika Teotia

Good or bad, happy or sad, everything that happens does so for a reason; no incident in this world is a stray occurrence. Don’t be unnecessarily perplexed or anxious about it- accept it. There’s no point resisting it because it was ordained. A strain of music, perhaps a song, at times a stray incident brings back memories of another day. Some may be nostalgically beautiful others may bring back that ache in the heart that you thought you had overcome long ago. Don’t stop them, let them keep flooding in. They are your memories of an era gone by. Feel them. Relive the good ones. Chew the cud of nostalgia. You will feel energized. The unhappy ones too are welcome, let them in. That pain that you feel once again is the purging of your heart. Feel that the ache for one last time and forgive those that caused the pain. Let go of those memories tenderly. Gently bid them adieu with love. You are a new person now. Those old memories have gone, and they have left a space; you are now ready to accept new ones. Fill your life with love; spread it. Live life the way you want to. Do things that you have wanted to do all this while but were afraid to. Live the life that brings you happiness and makes your heart sing with joy...

Latika Teotia

How inspiring beautiful it is to bloom inspire of life’s storms.

Latika Teotia

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