Christine Feehan
He wasn’t a hero. He wasn’t the man who stepped forward and saved the innocent. Furthermore, he was lost himself. Shadows had invaded a long time ago and stolen his life. But he would give anything he had left to be the man who found a way to save Judith
— Christine Feehan
His hand cupped her face, his thumb caressing the delicate line of her jaw. “Listen to me, Raven.” He brushed a kiss on the top of her silky head. “I know I do not deserve you. You think you are somehow less than what I am, but in truth, you are so far above me, I have no right even to reach for you.” When she stirred as if to protest, Mikhail held her tighter. “No, little one, I know this is true. I see you clearly, whereas you do not have access to my thoughts and memories. I cannot give you up. Furthermore, I wish I was a stronger, better man so that I could do so, but I cannot. Furthermore, I can only promise you that I will do everything in my power to make you happy, to provide for you everything I can possibly give you. Furthermore, I ask for time to learn your ways, for room to make mistakes. If you need to hear words of love”— his mouth skimmed down the side of her face to find the corner of her mouth—“ then I can say them to you in all honesty. I never believed I would have a woman of my own, a true life mate. I have never wanted a woman for my own.” His kiss was infinitely tender, a searing, smoky flame tasting of love and longing. “You are in my heart to stay, Raven. I know better than you the differences between us. I ask only for a chance.
— Christine Feehan
How do you keep your emotions so under control, Nicolas? Even when you're doing things that have to bother you?" She glanced up at him to make certain her question hadn't upset him." I don't do anything unless I believe it is necessary. If it's necessary then there's no reason for me to be bothered by it. The universe has a natural order. I do my best to flow with it and not try to control things outside myself. The truth is, control is a myth. You can't control another person or even an event. You can only control yourself. So that's what I do.
— Christine Feehan
I can't believe I have you here with me," she whispered and turned her face into his throat, nuzzling him. Inhaling. Tasting his skin with her tongue. "My life was pain and terror. You took away his voice. You gave me hope that my daughter would survive and others wouldn't shun her. I was terrified and alone, and you changed all that. You brought beauty and hope back into my life. Thank you for that, Quagmire. I swear I will spend every minute making you happy." Emeline to Quagmire, Dark Legacy, Dark #27
— Christine Feehan
If I really wanted you to love me, I should have presented more of a challenge.” She burrowed deeper into a pillow. “My hair is a mess.” Mikhail sat on the edge of the bed, took the mass of silk in his hands, and gently began to weave the thick strands into a long, loose braid, “If you presented much more of a challenge, little one, my heart would never be able to take it.” He sounded amused.
— Christine Feehan
If what he said was the truth, it broke her heart. If what he said was a lie, it was broken anyway.
— Christine Feehan
If you allowed yourself to hear or feel amusement, you would hear and feel pain.
— Christine Feehan
If you are a vampire, then a vampire is not the creature of the legends.
— Christine Feehan
I had to work so hard to find myself again, Alexander." There was pain in her voice. "I was so lost without you. You left me raw and wounded and trapped in a dark place with no windows or doors. I didn't know how to live without you. I didn't know how to smile or feel or be. It took almost two years before I really accepted that it was over, and I had to find a way to go on. I made myself strong. I'm alive again. Furthermore, I can wake up some mornings and be happy. Furthermore, I can look at the ocean and find peace again. Now you're asking me to risk everything all over again, and I'm not certain I could survive if it all came crashing down.
— Christine Feehan
I have to figure out why I worked at a job I hated for years. I have to find out why I can’t see what everyone else sees in me. Furthermore, I don’t feel beautiful. When I look in the mirror, I never saw beautiful. For this to happen to someone like me, it’s devastating, Jonas. I don’t want you to think it’s vanity, it isn’t. I can’t see me and I need to be able to do that. Furthermore, I need to find out what I’m like and what I want. Furthermore, I have to be comfortable in my own skin before I can be in a relationship the way you want.
— Christine Feehan
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