Nicholas D. Kristof

Americans of faith should try as hard to save the lives of African women as the lives of unborn fetuses.

Nicholas D. Kristof

Anybody who has spent time in Indian brothels and also, say, at Indian brick kilns knows that it is better to be enslaved working a kiln. Kiln workers most likely live together with their families, and their work does not expose them to the risk of AIDS, so there's always hope of escape down the road.

Nicholas D. Kristof

But they had learned an important lesson about how defeating poverty is more difficult than it seems at first.

Nicholas D. Kristof

Conservatives, who have presumed that the key to preventing AIDS is abstinence-only education, and liberals, who have focused on distribution of condoms, should both note that the intervention that has tested most cost-effective in Africa is neither... Secular bleeding hearts and religious bleeding hearts will have to forge a common cause.

Nicholas D. Kristof

Even though we are peripheral to the slavery, our action is necessary to overcome a horrific evil.

Nicholas D. Kristof

Every year 3.1 million Indian children die before the age of 5, mostly from diseases of poverty like diarrhea.

Nicholas D. Kristof

Here, in impoverished northern India state of Bihar, near the Nepalese border, there's not much else available commercially-- except sex.

Nicholas D. Kristof

Imagine the outcry if the Pakistani or Indian governments were burning women alive at those rates. Yet when the government is not directly involved people shrug.

Nicholas D. Kristof

In India, a "bride burning"-- to punish a woman for inadequate dowry or to eliminate her, so a man can remarry-- takes place approximately once every two hours, but rarely constitute news.

Nicholas D. Kristof

In talking about misogyny and gender-based violence, it would be easy to slip into the conceit that men are the villains. But it's not true. Granted, men are often brutal to women. Yet it is women who routinely manage brothels in poor countries, who ensure that their daughter's genitals are cut, who feed sons before daughters, who take their sons but not their daughters to clinics for vaccination.

Nicholas D. Kristof

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