Henry Rollins

A lot of Americans don't have a passport, never will have a passport. Not only will they not travel, they don't want to travel.

Henry Rollins

America was cool with Saddam Hussein when he was killing Iranians.

Henry Rollins

A rose trapped inside a fist.

Henry Rollins

As a teen, I heard the second Velvet Underground album, 'White Light/White Heat,' and it was too much for my limited scope of appreciation. It was intense, but I didn't get it.

Henry Rollins

At some point they show their true colors After the break up After the trial After the contract is signed and broken Their true colors stink These days find it hard to get along with them want to push them until the colors come out And sometimes I hate them so much, I push and see do the same to the ones I like The ones I don’t care about I smile at real nice

Henry Rollins

August used to be a sad month for me. As the days went on, the thought of school starting weighed heavily upon my young frame. That, coupled with the oppressive heat and humidity of my native Washington, D.C., only seemed to heighten the misery.

Henry Rollins

Being in New York is an almost overwhelming experience. While Washington, D.C., is my favorite American city, I regard New York City as the most amazing city in the world. No other comes close. It is an incredible, inexhaustible engine.

Henry Rollins

Don't do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts.

Henry Rollins

Do you ever get the feeling that when you show someone your affection for them, you are assaulting them? Like you should probably leave them alone? Your affection, no matter how sincere, does not necessarily mean a damn thing to the person you are giving it to. Love can corner you. When you intrude on someone with your affection, you might find yourself trying to knock a strong door down with your shoulder. Either you break the door or you break yourself. Something almost always gets broken. In my mind it runs like this: I’m going to like you, whether you like it or not. I’ll wear you down until you relent and swallow this big lie I have for you. Don’t move. Don’t live. I love you.

Henry Rollins

Each year, every city in the world that can should have a multiday festival. More people meeting each other, digging new types of music, new foods, new ideas. You want to stop having so many wars? This could be a step in the right direction.

Henry Rollins

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