Osamu Dazai

After being hurt by the world so much, they began to see the demons within humans. So without hiding it through trickery, they worked to express it.

Osamu Dazai

All I feel are the assaults of apprehension and terror at the thought that I am the only one who is entirely unlike the rest. It is almost impossible for me to converse with other people. What should I talk about, how should I say it? - I don't know.

Osamu Dazai

And I was incapable of living all by myself in those lodgings where I didn't know a soul. It terrified me to sit by myself quietly in my room. I felt frightened, as if I might be set upon or struck by someone at any moment.

Osamu Dazai

Any connoisseur knows you've got to be drunk to really enjoy a good romance.

Osamu Dazai

Any man who criticizes my suicide and passes judgment on me with an expression of superiority, declaring (without offering the least help) that I should have gone on living my full complement of days, is assuredly a prodigy among men quite capable of tranquilly urging the Emperor to open a fruit shop.

Osamu Dazai

Anyway, you can be sure of one thing, a man's got to fake just to stay alive.

Osamu Dazai

At times everything grows misty and dark before my eyes, and I feel that the strength of my whole body is oozing away through my fingertips.

Osamu Dazai

Even if Mary gives birth to a child who is not her husband's, if she has a shining pride, they become a holy mother and child.

Osamu Dazai

Even now it comes as a shock if by chance I notice in the street a face resembling someone I know however slightly, and I am at once seized by a shivering violent enough to make me dizzy.

Osamu Dazai

For someone like myself in whom the ability to trust others is so cracked and broken that I am wretchedly timid and am forever trying to read the expression on people's faces.

Osamu Dazai

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