Abhishek Kumar

Getting rich takes focus, courage, knowledge, expertise, 100% of your effort, a never give-up attitude and a deep desire & commitment.

Abhishek Kumar

Go become someone's miracle! There's healing in your hand, in your voice, in your heart, in your eyes! YOU ARE A HEALER! You have the power to love, to accept, to encourage, to lift someone's spirit, to hug, to help, to listen, to care!! YOU ARE A MIRACLE!

Abhishek Kumar

Gratitude is the key to manifestation, for gratitude connects you directly to the source.

Abhishek Kumar

Happiness is a choice not a result of something you do.

Abhishek Kumar

Happiness is a choice not a result of something you do. Of course when you get what you want you feel good, but the truth is that you don't get what you want until you're already feeling good. You only get what you want when you're in alignment with the universe. And the key to align yourself with the universe/source/god is LOVE. When you're in love, you are at peace, and NOW you're ready to receive, and NOW the universe is ready to shout in your favor! So, get ready to ALIGN yourself with the universe! ~ UNIVERSE LOVES YOU & SO DO I ‪#‎Stardust AK‬

Abhishek Kumar

Have mountain moving faith in yourself & the universe!

Abhishek Kumar

Have mountain moving faith in yourself & the universe! Don't talk about the problem, TALK TO THE PROBLEM! Command it to go away & IT WILL GO! When you believe from your heart & soul you can achieve any goal!

Abhishek Kumar

I am that, I AM!" We always intend to BE something or someone, where we already ARE everything we could ever desire to be. We just need to unlock the part of us we want to be. And the key to THAT is the FEELING about THAT. TO BE IS NOT AS IMPORTANT AS TO FEEL! ~ UNIVERSE LOVES YOU & SO DO I ‪#‎Stardust AK‬

Abhishek Kumar

I am THAT, I AM! Why should I be perfect. When I'm already imperfectly perfect. And that's what is unique and perfect about me. I love that I am that I love that I am!

Abhishek Kumar

If you choose to crawl, so be it. If you choose to stroll, so be it. If you choose to fly, so be it. WHENEVER YOU MAKE A CONSCIOUS CHOICE, YOU KNOCK! (. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.) ~ UNIVERSE LOVES YOU & SO DO I ❤ #StardustAK ❤

Abhishek Kumar

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