T.F. Hodge
Achieving a goal requires endurance and sacrifices beyond limitations.
— T.F. Hodge
A cooperative spirit enjoys a better harvest.
— T.F. Hodge
A coward's gun is emptied when fear pulls the trigger, and hate is the ammunition of choice.
— T.F. Hodge
A culture of vultures steeped and born of violence shall choke on the blood of its offspring.
— T.F. Hodge
A dream conceived from the inside-out eventually becomes reality. But a dream desired from the outside-in is subject to spoil and tragedy.
— T.F. Hodge
A flirtatious soul misses the point of intimate trust relations.
— T.F. Hodge
After a bad trip, don't carry your luggage on board the next flight. Stay grounded til you figure out a new way to travel.
— T.F. Hodge
A genius masters the art of observation, and unites with the source of imagination to create advancements in the cause for human evolution.
— T.F. Hodge
A human who learns, and practices the art of love as does divinity, is no longer human.
— T.F. Hodge
A King and Queen cannot support a crown with eyes looking down. Their universe expands as far as you can see.
— T.F. Hodge
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