Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Our civil and criminal codes reflect at many points the spirit of the Mosaic. In the criminal code we find no feminine pronouns, as "He," "His," "Him," we are arrested, tried and hung, but singularly enough, we are denied the highest privileges of citizens, because the pronouns "She," "Hers" and "Her," are not found in the constitutions. It is a pertinent question, if women can pay the penalties of their crimes as "He," why may they not enjoy the privileges of citizens as "He"?
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Put it down in capital letters: SELF-DEVELOPMENT IS A HIGHER DUTY THAN SELF-SACRIFICE. The thing that most retards and militates against women’s self development is self-sacrifice.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Self-development is a higher duty than self-sacrifice.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Social science affirms that a woman's place in society marks the level of civilization.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
So it ever must be in the conflicting scenes of life, in the long, weary march, each one walks alone. We may have many friends, love, kindness, sympathy and charity, to smooth our pathway in everyday life, but in the tragedies and triumphs of human experience, each mortal stands alone.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The best protection any woman can have ... is courage.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The best protection any woman can have... is courage.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The bible and the church have been the greatest stumbling block in the way of women's emancipation.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women's emancipation.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The happiest people I have known have been those who gave themselves no concern about their own souls, but did their uttermost to mitigate the miseries of others.
— Elizabeth Cady Stanton
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