Susan Barbara Apollon
We are all spiritual beings, having a spiritual experience, while in physical bodies. What this means is that we continue to be through eternity, always changing and expanding. When we accept this, we realize that there are no limitations, other than those that we impose upon ourselves. Mastery is within our power—if we wish it to be.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
We are eternal beings who are connected to God, Source, or whatever you feel comfortable labeling the Divine. What this means is that we are here for joy and for love.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
Wellbeing is all about balance. Unfortunately, the normal modern lifestyle (which actually isn’t normal at all) often pushes us away from what’s healthy and manageable, and prompts us to make decisions that overload our bodies and minds. As a society, we are just too busy, too stressed, too consumed with so-called success, too worried about our looks and our image, and not plugged in at all to our spiritual and emotional roots.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
We need to be open to ways in which we are being spoken to and in which we are receiving some form of communication. Some people call them signs. Open your heart and allow yourself to be touched by them. They are often stunning expressions of your place in the universe.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
What is hope? Like love, it is hard to define, but easy to recognize, a state of being that compels us to go on. It is a feeling that we have what we need to continue our journey to the next moment.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
When we learn to attribute meaning to the events in our lives, we connect with our Higher Purpose, Higher Wisdom, or Source; we become Master of the Self. A gradual process, this is often tied to loss and to love.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
When we understand the illusory nature of life and the profound power of eternal love, which enables us to create miracles and experience the presence of our deceased loved ones, we find ourselves living with joy, hope and peace.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
When you choose self-love, you are reclaiming your awareness of your own power, which raises your vibrational energy and contributes to your healing.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
You have the power to feel good—or not—just by being conscious of what you choose to think. Choose to focus on hope and healing.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
You raise the level of universal well-being by choosing to focus with gratitude on your blessings.
— Susan Barbara Apollon
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