Robert Fulghum

Everything I need to know... I learned in kindergarten.

Robert Fulghum

I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind.

Robert Fulghum

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Robert Fulghum

I fear the boredom that comes with not learning and not taking chances.

Robert Fulghum

If only the scientific experts could come up with something to get it out of our minds. One cup of fixity fizzle that will lift the dirt from our lives, soften our hardness, protect our inner parts, improve our processing, reduce our yellowing and wrinkling, improve our natural color, and make us sweet and good.

Robert Fulghum

If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.

Robert Fulghum

If you tell people you talk to God, they'll think you're religious, but if you say God talks to you, it's ten to one they'll think you're crazy.

Robert Fulghum

If you want an interesting party sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone.

Robert Fulghum

Ignorance and power and pride are a deadly mixture, you know.

Robert Fulghum

I know what I really want for Christmas. I want my childhood back. Nobody is going to give me that. I might give at least the memory of it to myself if I try. I know it doesn't make sense, but since when is Christmas about sense, anyway? It is about a child, of long ago and far away, and it is about the child of now. In you and me. Waiting behind the door of or hearts for something wonderful to happen. A child who is impractical, unrealistic, simpleminded and terribly vulnerable to joy.

Robert Fulghum

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