Tahir Shah
For me, a journey to Damascus is an amazing hunt from beginning to end, a slice through layers of history in search of treasure.
— Tahir Shah
For me, nature is something you watch on the Discovery Channel, or in the evening news -- as you learn how much more of it's been savaged to make way for the Blackberry realm that is my home
— Tahir Shah
Forms Road has a sordid reputation (…) Old crones sat in doorways, while their daughters were pushed out to earn money. It is intriguing that a society which is very covert with sexuality should be so straightforward about prostitution.
— Tahir Shah
For my father there was no sharper way to understand a country than by listening to its stories.
— Tahir Shah
I believe that Marrakech ought to be earned as a destination. The journey is the preparation for the experience. Reaching it too fast derides it, makes it a little less easy to understand.
— Tahir Shah
I felt sure we could gain the upper hand by putting ourselves in the mindset of the Incas.
— Tahir Shah
If hot food is they key to maintaining an expedition's stamina, then low grade gut-rot alcohol is the key to sustaining its sense of pleasure.
— Tahir Shah
I had learned years ago never to give original documents to anyone if I could help it.
— Tahir Shah
In any case, a little danger is a small price to pay for ridding a place of tourists.
— Tahir Shah
In India an explanation is often more confusing than what prompted it.
— Tahir Shah
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