Jennifer E. Smith
The important part is that you had someone to stick by you all that time. Even when everything sucked.
— Jennifer E. Smith
The morning felt like a mixing bowl just waiting for its ingredients; there was a sense of possibility to it, a promise of something more to come.
— Jennifer E. Smith
There are certain things in life that you'll be forgiven for, no matter how thoughtless or stupid or reckless, but if you do that same thing twice, you're on your own.
— Jennifer E. Smith
There are different kinds of happy, some kinds don't need any proof-Ellie O'Neill, This is What Happy Looks Like
— Jennifer E. Smith
There's always a gap between the burn and the sting of it, the pain and the realization... You can't survive a rift that big without it leaving a mark.
— Jennifer E. Smith
There’s a star in the sky that refuses to stay put, and Hadley realizes it’s actually a plane, that just last night, that star was them.
— Jennifer E. Smith
There was a lump in her throat as she watched him fidget with the buttons on his vest, and it struck her as the truest form of kindness, the most basic sort of love: to be worried about the one who was worrying about you.
— Jennifer E. Smith
They'd become unaccustomed to the brightness of their own city, and, faced with it now in all its intensity, they cupped their hands over their eyes as if staring into the sun.
— Jennifer E. Smith
They were just so different, and she kept wondering if he'd realize this was a mistake at some point; if, once she stopped being the novelty, the random American, he would recognize who she really was -- a nerdy bookworm, a happy loner -- and move on.
— Jennifer E. Smith
This," I say softly, "is going to change everything." I don't mean it the way I usually do. I don't mean that change is hard or scary, though it's definitely both. I mean only to say this: that sometimes, through good luck or bad, through curses or fate, the world cracks itself open, and afterward nothing will ever be the same. All I mean is that this seems like one of those times.
— Jennifer E. Smith
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