R. Alan Woods

I do not politicize Christianity nor my discipleship as Jesus did not politicize either His divinity nor his humanity.

R. Alan Woods

I have been fairly misunderstood by those who think only of the heart and thereby leave the mind behind. They both are vital and important aspects of our created humanity...in the image of God". ~R. Alan Woods {2006]

R. Alan Woods

I'm of the opinion that many Christians are in deep denial about the reality of there being 'real' Evil in this world. Evil that cannot be reasoned with; is reprobate, incorrigible, determined, unappeasable, violent, murderous, and unrelenting. I find this denial shocking in that the Bible clearly shows that in the end this battle is all about Good vs. Evil. This is a very real and present danger to the leaders and people of Israel. They know the truth and are not in any denial about it!!! It's harsh, yes! However, it is Real and a danger to those in Israel. This is not my first rodeo!!! Combat brings me no joy!!! But, God has His holy warriors who risk their lives, so others can have the luxury to live in denial!!! Israeli's have no such luxury!!!

R. Alan Woods

In my opinion and to the best of my understanding, free-will and pre-determination are two distinctly different economies that are 'operationally co-existent'".

R. Alan Woods

In my opinion, anyone who says they have no anxiety at all over experiencing their own physical death is not in touch with their humanity".~R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

Instead of hopping around like a wild in'jun on fire, try counting from 10 backwards while hopping on one foot".

R. Alan Woods

In the 56 years I have been a disciple of and in union with Jesus Christ and in my opinion, John Wisker was the most authentic, humble, accessible, and anointed 'Christ-like' man I have ever known." ~R. Alan Woods [2013]

R. Alan Woods

In the sense of Lewis, I am a moderately 'good man'".~R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

It is not enough just to read the Bible; it is even just as important to understand it. As to living it- that is accomplished in and through us by the Holy Spirit."~R. Alan Woods [2013]

R. Alan Woods

It is widely unknown, but nonetheless true that Catholicism fervently promotes the 'spiritual disciplines' whereas Protestantism has largely neglected them altogether. Does 'volunteerism' facilitate the formation of Christ's character in us or rather does it reveal our level of Christ-like maturity through the work of the Holy Spirit in us? Jesus modeled son-ship and gave all of His time, shared his talents, and invested all of His treasure while affirming others as He proclaimed through demonstrations the Kingdom of God.' Christ-likeness cannot be self-formed' (Woods, 2007)." ~R. Alan Woods [2013]

R. Alan Woods

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