Manprit Kaur

Affirmations are positive statements, and they need to be spoken with absolute, unadulterated faith. If you only speak with your mouth, without an iota of feeling in your heart and belief in your mind, then you’re going the wrong way! You need to feel the vibrancy, the truth, and the positivity of these statements. You need to write them on your mind-slate, create an indelible influence, and engrave them in your consciousness. Furthermore, you can only do that by following the Three Golden Rules of Affirmations – Repetition, Belief, and Positive Expectation. Remember, by making affirmations, you are consciously programming your mind to think in a certain way, so that hopeful and happy thinking becomes a part of your being. Affirmations are a way to train the mind; and training happens when you practice, practice, practice! Training requires conscious effort, discipline, belief, and consistency. That is exactly how you need to practice your affirmations.

Manprit Kaur

Always remember, that YOU are the most beautiful woman in the world. Your weight, your height, your eyes, your scars, your idiosyncrasies, your complexion, and your sartorial choices have nothing to do with beauty. The mirror lies darling. It does. Your heart is where all the beauty rests. And of course, it’s your smile that sprinkles a dash of magic! The world is a better place because of your gorgeous smile. Never walk out without a smile on our face, a zing in your step, and a high dose of faith in your heart.

Manprit Kaur

As adults, we get so entrapped in illusions and trivia, that we forget the true essence of life; and so often we need to connect with children, to understand that it is the little, priceless joys that make life beautiful and worthy.

Manprit Kaur

Being strong doesn't mean that you never break! Being strong means that even if you break into a million pieces, you still have the courage to pick those pieces up, put them back together, and keep going on.

Manprit Kaur

Don’t judge me. You’re not living my life, and you know nothing about my battles. You have not the faintest idea of how I manage to smile in the middle of storms or how I transform my despair into delight. Furthermore, you have not the faintest idea of what I have gone through and why I am who I am today. This is my life, and only I know the real story. The strains, the struggles, the sorrows are all mine. They’re not for you to assess or evaluate; I give that authority to none, for My Guiding Light is Within. - Manumit Kaur

Manprit Kaur

Don’t whittle your potential, just because others don’t believe in you. The only worthy question is “Do You Believe in You?

Manprit Kaur

Emotionally Strong People ~ Complain a little less, Celebrate a little more; Think a little less, "Be" a little more; Cringe a little less, Play a little more; Judge a little less, Forgive a little more; Chase a little less, Cherish a little more; Fear a little less, Hope a little more; Regret a little less, Learn a little more; and Fret a little less, Smile a little more.

Manprit Kaur

Enlightenment is the AWARENESS that ALL is ONE and ONE is ALL. Ignorance is the illusion of separateness.

Manprit Kaur

God is constantly Creating, Experiencing, Witnessing, Deconstructing, and Expanding. God is everything and everyone – that’s the realm where we don’t exist at all. That’s the realm where there’s none, but One

Manprit Kaur

God speaks to you all the time ~ Have you tuned in to the cosmic vibrations of love, harmony, peace, and truth? Unless you quieten that blabbering little mind of yours, you won’t be able to listen to the Divine music that plays on and on... Just for one heavenly second, shut your eyes, ears, and mind to the cacophonous noises of this physical, illusionary, temporary world. Exit all the drama. Just for that one heavenly second, stay quiet and simply listen. Listen to the ambrosial sound. It vibrates with joy. You can have more of this soulful peace in your life, if only you choose to align yourself with the Source of Love and Light. The more you stay attuned to "Home", the less you’d wander in-vain.

Manprit Kaur

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