Nalini Singh

How do you control your telekinesis while intimate with your mate?"" I broke a damn lot of furniture at the start, including two beds." A curious glance. "What are you doing?"" Traveling around the world.

Nalini Singh

How do you know it'll be pleasurable?" He got on the bed and lay down. Breath a whisper, she came closer and tied one wrist to the headboard. The cat growled but didn't try to make him wrench free." Because just looking at you gives me the most extreme pleasure I've ever felt."" Christ, baby, tie me up before you start talking like that.

Nalini Singh

How long have you been with Raphael?”“You ask a lot of questions for a dead woman.”“What can I say? I prefer to die well-informed.”-Venom and Elena

Nalini Singh

How’s Her Royal Bitchiness?” “Alive.” “Pity.

Nalini Singh

I can smell blood, Elena,” Dmitri drawled, walking back into the room. “Are you trying to flirt?

Nalini Singh

I don't need a mate,” she muttered, staring up at the bright circle of the early autumn moon. “But can't you send me a nice, sexy, strong male to dance with? Pretty please?” She hadn't had a lover for close to eight months now, and it was starting to hurt on every level. “He doesn't even have to be smart, just good between the sheets.” Good enough to unsnap the tension in her body, allow her to function again. Because sex wasn't simply about pleasure for a cat like her—it was about affection, about trust, about everything good. “Though right this second, I'd take plain old hot sex.” That was when Riley walked out of the shadows. “Got an itch, kitty?” Snapping to her feet, she narrowed her eyes, knowing he had to have deliberately stayed downwind in order to sneak up on her. “Spying?” “When you're talking loud enough to wake the dead?” She swore she could feel steam coming out her ears.

Nalini Singh

I don’t want to be your snack, your chew-toy, your fuck-buddy. Find a vampire to sink your fang into.

Nalini Singh

If he decided to pursue Sienna... Sucking in a breath Indigo promised herself she'd warn the girl if and when the time came-because no woman should have to face that campaign unprepared.

Nalini Singh

I have something for you.”“Yeah? What? Is it shiny?” They both waited until Indigo had jogged away before resuming their conversation. “So,” Riley asked, “what have you got for me?” Taking his hand, she placed it palm-down over her heart. It would hurt like a bitch, she thought, but he was hers to protect as much as she was his. “Me.” And she opened up her soul, laid herself bare.

Nalini Singh

Ilium, his expression subdued as it had been for too many days, turned to her. “Mind if I have a go?”“Kick his ass.” Stripping off his shirt and boots, Ilium held out his hand for one of Venom’s blades. Lips curving, Venom passed it over. “Sure you can handle me, pretty, pretty Bluebell?”“Did I ever tell you about my snakeskin boots?” A savage grin, and she knew Venom was about to bear the brunt of whatever haunted the blue-winged angel. Venom swirled his blade in hand. “I do think I need some new feathers for my pillow.

Nalini Singh

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