Kiersten White
I should curl up in a ball and cry. Instead, I think about everything in the whole entire world that makes me angry - There is a lot, oh, there is a lot - and I start singing Justin Bieber at the top of my lungs.
— Kiersten White
I think happy thoughts and feel happy things and I do not let myself near the swirling black edges of the hole that is my soul when I look at them.
— Kiersten White
I think if you had been born a boy, perhaps you would have been satisfied with what the world offered you. That is how we are alike. We saw everything that was not ours, and we hungered. Do not lose that hunger. You will always have to fight for everything. Even when you already have it, you will have to keep fighting to maintain it. You will have to be more ruthless, more brutal, more everything. Any weakness will undo everything you have accomplished. They will see any crack as evidence that they were right that a woman cannot do what you do.
— Kiersten White
It makes a soul lonely when even your tongue has no home.
— Kiersten White
It’s a lie, but it’s the lie he needs. I’m going to hell.
— Kiersten White
I wash myself clean of guilt, of pain, of fear, of emotion. I am the ocean. Furthermore, I am empty. Furthermore, I am nothing.
— Kiersten White
I wish many things, but I wish I had been able to tell you that I love you, in so many more ways than that word can convey in Alien.
— Kiersten White
I wonder if anyone gets through childhood without being broken. I certainly did not.
— Kiersten White
I wonder what it would be like to be with a boy who blushes when he looks at my skin.
— Kiersten White
Jack might look my age, but he was like a little kid on a sugar high --- in need of a good spanking. --- Good heavens, that sounded creepy.
— Kiersten White
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