Lionel Suggs

Confirming what you see as a true sign of your arrogance.

Lionel Suggs

Conscientious stupidity is a religion for most. Many will deny it, but it's those same people that find it easier to ignore the truth. This religion can only be followed by their humble ignorance. It's safe to assume, that this religion is an illusion of knowledge.

Lionel Suggs

Death is merely an illusion of the departed... Just because you cannot physically see the idea of God, doesn't mean that he or she isn't there. Just because you cannot physically see someone that isn't here, doesn't mean that they aren't there.

Lionel Suggs

Do you know what the difference is between knowing a bird and knowing about a bird?

Lionel Suggs

Ego, Identity and Self - the 3 concepts of one's creation that defines them entirely. Have an Ego, for without one, there is nothing but self-doubt. Have an Identity, for without one, there is nothing but an empty shell. Understand your 'Self,' for if you don't, then who or what are you?

Lionel Suggs

Everyone lies... It may not be about the same thing, but everyone does it. People do it to fit in, people do it to feel civilized, and there are many more reasons. You can be an honest person, and still be a liar. Everyone lies, including your God. If you don't believe so, then you are simply lying to yourself.

Lionel Suggs

Every step in life is merely part of a game. Every piece is necessary, but if you do not know how to control the game, then you become one of the pieces that are meant to be sacrificed.

Lionel Suggs

Every time the sky cries, it is because an angel has died... Lucifer started a war in Heaven, and it persists even now. So if God cannot keep his angels under control, what makes you believe that he can keep humanity under control?

Lionel Suggs

Evolution is a part of nature. The world has strayed away from God, and now interprets its conception for the benefit of blissful ignorance.

Lionel Suggs

Expectation and fact are two different things that people usually cannot differentiate.

Lionel Suggs

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