Lindsey Rietzsch
It's vital to our survival to be positive.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
I would rather be known as someone who tried and failed, then someone who never tried at all.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
Live each day as if it could be the last day that you spend with your husband or wife.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
Marriage can and should be the greatest thing that happens to you in this life, along with having children. We need to make the most of it and work to make it that great experience we dreamed about when we were young.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
Marriage is the most sacred union in which much respect is given in society to those who treat it as such.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
Now, I don't smile because I have a perfect life or even because I'm having a perfect day - I smile because that's how I choose to deal with whatever life throws my way.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
Once a person has declared "failure", they cease to look for the alternate open door. When in reality it was just inches away and wide open.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
Putting 100% effort into "trying" will always make you successful. With that in mind it's important to remember that the effort part is never easy.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
Remember, every obstacle is also an opportunity.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
Satan wants you to believe that you don't have a choice in the matter. You can't be happy until things go the way that you want them to. Once you have the perfect marriage, your finances under control, a better job, or a nicer home - then you'll be happy. LIES, LIES, LIES. You will never be happy until you make the decision to do so.
— Lindsey Rietzsch
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