Lorii Myers
I don't ever want to be a fair-weather anything. Playing through the elements is always better than sitting on the sidelines.
— Lorii Myers
If you are afraid to fail, your successes will be few, common, and unmemorable.
— Lorii Myers
If you dread ending up in the bunker, practice these tricky out-of-the-sand shots until you master them. Think of it as insurance—we all have learned that, once you know you can make that shot easily, you will seldom need to!
— Lorii Myers
If you give up, you reward failure.
— Lorii Myers
If you’re not afraid of working hard, self-reliance comes easy!
— Lorii Myers
If you wanted to be average, you would not be reading this book.
— Lorii Myers
If you want the answer—ask the question.
— Lorii Myers
I have been thinking about the idea of excuses for some time now. They are like menacing demons that creep into our lives without us knowing. They are roadblocks, white lies to ourselves, a reason to set the bar lower, and self-justification for achieving less than our full potential.
— Lorii Myers
I never saw it coming; I never thought you’d leave, but baby what you gave me was the courage to find me.
— Lorii Myers
In the event of a communication breakdown, decide whether you will dwell in the negative or rise above the angst and turmoil in a firm, positive manner and encourage all parties to listen and be heard.
— Lorii Myers
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