Claire North

In 1789 the French rebelled and found an emperor. The Americans found their freedom from the British and enslaved the Africans. The Arab Spring bloomed and the military and the jihadists seized power. The internet gave us all the power of speech, and what did we discover? That victory goes to he who shouts the loudest, and that reason does not sell.

Claire North

Is there innocence in ignorance? And if there is, do we tolerate others for their innocence's sake?

Claire North

Luck is sometimes merciful. The Game never is.

Claire North

So each generation set out to find more of its kind, and within just a few cycles of birth and death, the Club had spread not only through space, but also time, propagating itself forwards into the twentieth century and back into the Middle Ages, the death of each member spreading the word of what it was to the very extremes of the times in which they lived.

Claire North

The first two tracks were pop songs from the 1970s, sung in Danish in a style that was best described as Abbey without joy.

Claire North

The press, the media, the internet—they'll make the noise, make the screaming, the screaming all the time, and the truth and my voice will be lost. The blaming and the noise, human things, they'll make it about human things, not the truth. How can anyone live with it? How can anyone live with so much screaming in their lives, all the time?

Claire North

There is no greater isolation a man may experience than to be lonely in a crowd.

Claire North

There is no loss, if you cannot remember what you have lost.

Claire North

The secret to being unafraid of the darkness is to challenge the darkness to fear you, to raise your eyes sharp to those few souls who stagger by, daring them to believe that you are not, in fact, more frightening than they are.

Claire North

Time, it transpires, is not so good at telling after all.

Claire North

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