Dada Bhagwan
A person with a large tuber of self-pride remains engrossed in the fear of, ‘Someone is going to insult me…someone is going to insult me’ or ‘From where can I get respect? From where can I get the respect?
— Dada Bhagwan
A place where the mind can attain stillness meaning doing darshan (seeing with the intent of worship) of a great person who has stillness of the mind, can still the mind of other person, however the chit is not steady there.
— Dada Bhagwan
A reputable person is he who has trust in his own Self. Self means who? “I am Pure Soul”, it is that Self.
— Dada Bhagwan
Arrogant pride (Abidjan) means public display of self-pride (main).
— Dada Bhagwan
A ‘sensitive’ person will not have common sense.
— Dada Bhagwan
As illusory attachment (Mona) spread, one sunk deeper and deeper into the pit.
— Dada Bhagwan
As long as Keisha’s (anger, pride, deceit, greed) do not go away, you have not attained God’s religion even a little bit. Religion of the vita rags [the enlightened ones] means absence of Keisha (anger, pride, deceit, greed).
— Dada Bhagwan
As long as man has pride, he will appear unattractive and no one will be attracted to him. He may have a handsome face, his pride makes him unattractive.
— Dada Bhagwan
As long as one finds faults with the world, he won’t be able to find anything about the Soul (Self). He who sees his own faults is the Soul (Self) himself!
— Dada Bhagwan
As long as one is involved in worldly interactions, there is pleasure of the mind; and after knowing the Self (Soul), there is bliss of the Soul.
— Dada Bhagwan
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