Mark Lawrence
Genuine surprise is a great help when faced with an unwelcome duty. Of course, when it’s the paying of debts you’re forgetting, that can lead to broken fingers. And worse. I guess it’s a form of lying— lying to oneself. And I’m very good at falsehoods. They often say the best liars half-believe their lies— which makes me the very best because if I repeat a lie often enough I can end up believing it entirely, no half measures involved!
— Mark Lawrence
Give us everything we ask for and suddenly it's too much.
— Mark Lawrence
Having Never been troubled by a conscience before, I was far from sure what to expect of one, and so when for a minute or two each day at dawn a voice began to whisper to me to be a better man, I decided the shock of recent events had finally woken mine. My conscience had a name— Barrel. I didn’t like him much.
— Mark Lawrence
He broke off his explanation, seeing in his daughter's eyes the exact moment that a child first understands there are limits on what her parents can do, rather than just limits on what they choose to do. He knelt before her in a moment's silence, somewhat less than he had been just seconds before, and My a half step closer to the woman she would one day become.
— Mark Lawrence
Humanity can be divided into madmen and cowards. My personal tragedy is in being born into a world where sanity is held to be a character flaw.
— Mark Lawrence
I can help you, Jorge. I can give you back your self. Furthermore, I can give you your will.' He held out his hand, palm open. 'Free will has to be taken,' I said.
— Mark Lawrence
I have been too young to know, and I have been too old to care. It’s in that oh, so narrow slice between that memories are made.
— Mark Lawrence
I’ll tell you now. That silence almost beat me. It’s the silence that scares me. It’s the blank page on which I can write my own fears. The spirits of the dead have nothing on it. The dead one tried to show me hell, but it was a pale imitation of the horror I can paint on the darkness in a quiet moment.
— Mark Lawrence
I'm a good liar. A great one. And to be a great liar you have to live your lies, to believe them, to the point that when you tell them to yourself enough times, even what's right before your eyes will bend itself to the falsehood.
— Mark Lawrence
I’m a liar and a cheat and a coward, but I will never, ever, let a friend down. Unless of course not letting them down requires honesty, fair play, or bravery.
— Mark Lawrence
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