Stephen Richards
A barrier is a limitation only when you perceive it as one.
— Stephen Richards
Aberdeenshire’s Peter head jail housed the hardest, worst, the meanest motherfucker prisoners in the Scottish prison system. So no one was surprised when the pressure pot jail finally erupted in to violence that has not been seen or equalled since.
— Stephen Richards
A broken and mended relationship turns out to be stronger than one that has never been broken, almost like how bones can become even stronger once broken and then healed.
— Stephen Richards
A broken friendship that is mended through forgiveness can be even stronger than it once was.
— Stephen Richards
Abundance does not come in packages, it comes from the happiness within.
— Stephen Richards
According to the Law of Attraction, the physical reality that you experience at present is drawn towards the future probability you desired when it attains more power.
— Stephen Richards
According to your strategy plan and how it looks is commensurate with how much effort you will apply to achieving success.
— Stephen Richards
Acknowledgement is possession. When you acknowledge, think or have conviction in something, it actually will come true.
— Stephen Richards
A Cosmic Ordering beginning makes a wealthy ending.
— Stephen Richards
A doctor once asked me: 'Charlie, what do you think your problem is?' “Doc,' I said, '…you’re the problem!
— Stephen Richards
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