Sanjo Jendayi
Truth is stranger than fiction because lies are much more convincing, but the truth always comes out no matter how long it takes.
— Sanjo Jendayi
Ving self and others is an every second of every day of every week, of every month, of every year gift that should not be taken for granted or withdrawn for petty arguments and misunderstandings. No one knows the day nor the hour that we or a loved one will meet our expiration here on this earth. Time to make time to heal, amend and/or forgive broken relationships, to live your dreams without regret and love like there is no tomorrow for when tomorrow is no longer there...memories will be great and consciences will be clear.
— Sanjo Jendayi
We as a people have become so addicted to DYSFUNCTION that we don't recognize PEACE (man or woman) when it enters our energetic space. We call PEACE soft, too nice, pushover, doormat and other names because PEACE respects you. PEACE cares about & for you. PEACE doesn't want to argue, PEACE speaks its mind with healthy discussion & at the end of the day, PEACE says I Love you. PEACE keeps their word. PEACE enjoys spending time with you & treating you better than anyone else ever has but because of our addiction, we say this is too good to be true. We wait for the other shoe to drop. We check PEACE phone, follow PEACE home or just dismiss PEACE altogether because something just ain't right!" LEAVE that phone alone, STOP looking for a reason, and CHANGE your mindset. "Once you have begun down this new path, your vibrations will change & PEACE will start to walk with you, YOU will attract his siblings-Love, Joy, Kindness, Happiness & your relationships will become everything you inwardly desired but secretly believed you were not worthy of attaining.
— Sanjo Jendayi
We can all take pictures but not everyone can capture the beauty that's usually hidden in plain view... We can all open our mouth to sing but not everyone can melodically touch your soul... We can all pick up a pen to write but not everyone can write words in such a way that they leap off of the page for you... We can all part our lips to speak but not everyone can speak life into you... We can all move our bodies to a beat but not everyone can become one with music, stir emotions and shift energy with dance... Point is: WE CAN all do something but Know your gifts, cultivate them and ALWAYS, ALWAYS BE YOURSELF! Then working together becomes effortless. Copies aren't accepted everywhere...ORIGINALS are eventually required!
— Sanjo Jendayi
We have all heard the phrase "information is power" and in the world of social media, information is abundant. I started thinking...we are some well-informed peopled on a myriad of topics but is it the information that is power or is the true power in what we do with the information? I think information is a tool and sometimes that tool falls into hands that have no clue how to use it; rendering it powerless.
— Sanjo Jendayi
We have been having a Ménage à trois with the lies that others told us and the lies we tell ourselves for so long that we have convinced ourselves that it is normalcy. When we begin to read, hear or even see truth our minds reject it and our minds’ eye closes to what we view as temptation; as if we would be cheating on our trio so instead we cheat ourselves out of knowledge and growth.
— Sanjo Jendayi
We say we love self While pimping out our pussy Yet, our wombs scream help.
— Sanjo Jendayi
When one's life has been shattered into a million pieces, most set out to pick up the pieces & rebuild. Others look at those broken pieces & decide this is their opportunity to start anew, the bigger picture comes into view. They see more, & want better so they leave those pieces scattered as a memorial to who they used to be!
— Sanjo Jendayi
When that light within begins to dim, fan the flame just enough to spark something!
— Sanjo Jendayi
When you are doing all that you know to do, yet all hell is breaking out around you, Hold onto your faithdon't you dare break! You're on the edge of your breakthrough Now is the time to praise your way through! God has already made a way for you. Remain prayerful & thankful!
— Sanjo Jendayi
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